Day 7: Declaring your identity

Job 22:28 ”You will also declare a thing,
And it will be established for you;
So light will shine on your ways.”

You’ve defeated the two most taunting enemies to your confidence: fear and hopelessness, and kicked all of their lingering friends out of your life. How does it feel now?! You are so close to restoring your full confidence in Christ!!!

After relieving your mind of all of those toxic mindsets, you need to continue to feed your soul with wisdom from the word of God. Affirmations, declarations, proclamations, are all spiritually sound principles, with even some scientific research to back it up. There is research that has found that if you say positive things to yourself before you go ito an interview or do anything that requires heightened levels of confidence, that you will do exceedingly better. The same is in scripture in a number of ways. In Matthew 15:11 it says that it’s not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles him, but what comes out. So from this moment forward, you must vow that the only things that will come out of your mouth will bring yourself joy, peace, self-control, and love.

You are free from the snares of your flesh and the enemies tctica to keep you bound, every day you have the opportunty to speak more life and remind yourself, and the enemy of the same thing.

Today I want you to repeat these general proclamations over your life. I would encourage you to create your own and specialize them to things that you are believing God for in this season and watch the manifestation of your confidence bring these things that are not as though they are in the Earth.

I receive an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. I reign in life through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:17).

I ask God to set a guard over my mouth. He keeps watch over the door of my lips (Psalm 141:3).

God loads me daily with benefits. He is my salvation (Psalm 68:19).

I honor the Lord with my wealth and the first fruits of all my produce. Then, my barns will be filled with plenty. My vats will overflow with new wine (Proverbs 3:9-10).

The Lord has established me as a holy person to Himself. I keep His commandments and walk in His ways (Deuteronomy 28:9).

I am my Father’s daughter/son. I am always with Him and all that He has is mine (Luke 15:31).

I am confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in me will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).

God instructs me and keeps me as the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8).

God satisfies my mouth with good things and renews my youth like the eagles’ (Psalm 103:5).

I persist in speaking God’s word until it accomplishes its purpose. It is like fire. It is like a hammer that shatters a rock (Jeremiah 23:29).