Day 4: Defeating hopelessness

Psalm 27:13 - 14 “I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.

Wait for and confidently expect the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord.”

Don’t get it twisted and check out. Hopelessness is NOT the same thing as fear and anxiety. Defeating it cannot be taken as the same thing, but rather the two concepts build upon each other. We learned to understand a different take on the root of fear and anxiety in our lives in order to defeat it and now we will use that as a stepping stone for defeating hopelessness.

Once we allow the enemy or our flesh to focus on our sensory circumstances for so long, our fear and anxiety morphs into chronic hopelessness. We inherimtly begin to lose our ability to see the light at all in these moments. The despair of things that used to only cause us a day or two of toxic thoughts, now turns into morbid life choices that begin to cancel out the kairos moments that God has lined up for us and spiral us further into the pit of hopelessness. I would parallel hopelessness with depression to a degree because in despite of all your attempts to not feel the way you do, there seems to be a dead end on your ability to not feel them.

Your confidence through Christ in yourself breeds from your active imagination and intentional choices. The way you defeat fear and anxiety is to imagine, the way you defeat hopelessness is to act on that imagination.

The bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick. After you have hoped for so long, and nothing that you hoped for comes to pass, you heart, your mind, your will, your emotions, your five senses that report back to your sensory processors, they fall in disease, or dis-ease, the undoing of ease.

The one thing you can do to defeat hopelessness, to fix the undoing of ease, is to put your faith into action. Through the process of putting your faith into action, God will continue to add value and opportunities to your life, and it will undo the cycles that you were once in that lead to hopelessness.
One of the most important aspects of this devotional is that all of these components work in a process, but still are important each and every day.

Today I want you to read these declarations aloud to yourself.