Day 1: Devotional relationship with God

Romans 8:15
“So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.[a] Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”[b]”

An important aspect of regaining your confidence as we mentioned yesterday was understanding your love for yourself, that love is a direct resemblance of the love that you understand our Abba Father has for us. The one true way of learning and living in that truth is through a personal devoted relationship with God.

Most people state their claim of relationship with God as characterized by going to church once a week, reading their bible here and there, and praying as a ritual when they need something. Those things are key to beginning your devotional relationship with God, yet it takes so much more. I once heard a powerful woman of God named Prophetess Twyla Brown mention that if you don’t exactly understand how to build your relationship with God, you can use the basic five love languages as a template.

Having a devotional relationship with God requires a deeper level of intimacy that can be expressed through the love languages. Think about it. Every one of us has a physical father that joined seed with our mother to create us, but we do not consider that man our father if we don;t know him and get to spend time with him. Our relationship with God, though spiritual, can be described in the same manner. Just because we know God gave us a purpose, birthed us into existence, and loves us, doesn’t mean that we will truly know Him if we do not spend time understanding and growing intimately with Him.

Grasping the knowledge of what God being your “Abba Father” means, boosts your confidence and how strongly you feel the need to put it in play. The only way to know Him as “Abba Father” is to establish that devotional relationship with Him. I know that there are five languages and the purpose of the test is to figure out which one works the best for you and whoever the person is that you are engaging in the relationship with, but because God IS love, we don’t have to try to decide which one we should use on God, but instead find ways to include all of them in our relationship growth with Him. Because in essence of understanding that He is love, we understand that He created and is all of them in the first place.

Here are the five love languages and I would like for you to take a moment and write down a way that you can spend time exhibiting this to God. I will give you an example but I would like for you to passionately think and talk to God about how you can accomplish this in the Earth. If your answer comes back to look exactly like the example I give, don’t shy away from it and feel like you are not being genuine, it just means that you finally understand a new piece of your relationship with Abba Father!

Words of affirmation: This love language expresses love with words that build up your partner.
Example: God you are amazing. God you are the all mighty one. God there is none like you, even after i have searched to the ends of the Earth.. God your ways are above my ways, and your love is without reproach.

Acts of Service: This love language expresses itself by doing things that you know your spouse would like.
Example: Fasting & periods of consecration to God

Receiving Gifts: This love language expresses itself by giving meaningful or thoughtful gifts to makes your partner feel loved and appreciated.
Example: Giving an offering to the church, which is the son of God’s beloved bride

Quality Time: This love language is all about undivided attention.
Example: Taking time out of every day to spend time in prayer when I wake up.

Physical Touch: This love language expresses itself by receiving the physical touch of their partner.
Example: Prophetic acts of touching, moving, etc.
I will only divulge in this one a bit because it seems so impossible with us serving a God in the spirit realm. Though our bodies are physical, we are flowing through a supernatural and spiritual world at the same time and there are often things that are happening in front of our eyes even though we can’t see them. The Holy Spirit will often allow us to gain wisdom of these things to make use of them. For instance pulling things out of the sky as receiving a blessing, or blowing kisses in the air as a kiss to God in worship.
These are not things that we can see physically happening, but are very much real manifestations of occurrences in the spirit.

Now that I have listed the five love languages, make it your business throughout the day to find moments to express at least one of these love languages to God. From there practice them frequently so that your relationship with God my grow, and in return your understanding if the confidence you possess as His child, will manifest as well.